Thursday, June 26, 2008


Honor is a word that is prominent in my mind. I am currently reading 2 books on honor. One by John Bevere called "Honors Reward." It focuses on all types of honor within our lives. The second is by Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller called "Say Goodbye to Whining, Complaining, and Bad Attitudes (In You and Your Kids). By reading the title you can see this book focuses on honor within a family setting, mom, dad, and kids included.

This one is going to go down as one of those "books that changed my life." I believe and know that my family, beginning with me needs to learn about honoring each other. I have experienced dishonor through friends, acquaintances and complete strangers. But within the family, it can be more intense.

We come in to our marriages with baggage, including the ways we have been taught by our own families to interact. These ways are not always the correct ways. Life, being a process, has a way of showing us things that need to be corrected in our bag of relational skills. In my bag, there are things that are not pretty. Things that have been there for so long, that they smell, not from disuse, but from overuse. Smelling because they are rotten to our human sensibilites.

And God.....I don't want to leave Him out of this whole process. He gently reminds me as a choose to act cruel, to raise my voice out of anger, to roll my eyes, to walk away in stoney silence or to speak words that hurt, that I am not acting as I was created to act. He reminds me of the new creation He is making of me, and those things don't fit into my new profile. He also gently reminds me through His Word. Words that seem harsh or puzzling to those who don't know Him, but comforting to me, His child.

I enter the road of honor that promises not to be easy, but rewarding. A road that brings death, but also life. A road that is less traveled, and that is the road I choose.

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