Monday, November 26, 2007


Today we began a study of ancient Egypt. Here is Bethany with her pyramid. Caleb with his.
Yes, we often school in our pj's, especially in the winter!
More gifts:
19. Heat!
20. Christmas shopping with my kids.
21. Seeing the world through my children's eyes.
22. Forgiveness- Given and especially received!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

A Day to Give Thanks

Before I add to my list of a thousand thanks, let me write about the last few days. In my earlier post, I told my carpet cleaning story. Well, the carpet did not dry in 2 hours as promised. Wednesday morning, most of it was still soaking wet. So, instead of being stuck in 2 rooms all day, we spent the day out yesterday, as a family, eating lunch out, browsing the stores. We got home around 5 pm from all of our fun. The carpet still wasn't completely dry, but we made it work!
All of my pre-Thanksgiving cleaning I had planned to do all day Wednesday had to begin around 6 pm. This was in the middle of me making a dessert and trying to prepare others foods for today. I went to bed pretty tired aroung 11 pm.
In spite of what little I was able to accomplish yesterday, preparing the turkey day meal went very smoothly. Well, that was only because I made an hour by hour to do list. I checked off everything accordingly as we list makers do. Oh the joy of list making!
13. A husband who is passsionate about seeing the real God
14. Godly family that encourage me in God
15. Having more than enough
16. Life, being able to breathe this breath
17. Good turkey, macaroni and cheese, green bean casserole, rolls, cranberry sauce, and mashed potatoes and gravy
18. DESSERT!!!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

I Did It

We had our carpet cleaned this afternoon. After the cleaning crew left, I notice they had pulled about 3 sections of our Berber carpet up. I immediately called them to complain. This might not seem hard to some of you, but I really don't like confrontation. I CAN confront when it comes to my kids or something I am passionate about.
Confronting because of bad service is sometimes hard for me. I am a very compassionate person. I always try to see where people are coming from, even if they are in the wrong.
One example- I got my hair cut a couple of years ago and the lady butchered it. I began to cry while I was still in the chair. I told her it was not at all what I wanted. Then she began to cry too! Instead of pushing to get my money back or complaining further, I tried to comfort her!
Back to the carpet story.....The crew came back and I showed them the spots. One was a foot long and about an inch wide with strings of carpet coming from it. What really bothered my about the whole situation was that they did not point it out to me before they left. So, I proceeded to tell them that I am person of integrity and expect people (especially in business) to show integrity in their dealings with me. I was nice and calm as I talked. The guy said he would give me 23 dollars off. So, I called my husband and asked if that worked for him. He said yes.
Still not a biggy? Well, everything down inside of me wanted to wait and let my husband take care of it. But, instead I saved him some valuable time and energy by biting the bullet and confronting them myself. I am proud!

More gifts:
9. Dinner out with the fam, while waiting for our carpet to dry.
10. Expectations of things to come
11. A desire to pray.
12. Cool mornings where I can snuggle in bed with my kiddies after they wake up!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Dentist Day

Today was my kiddos 6 month check-up at the dentist. No cavities! Whooee!!! Last time, they both had a cavity and of course this led to Mommyguilt. I stayed on them daily this 6 month period and it looks like it worked. After we left the dentist, the kids ask if they could have a treat for the good report at the dentist. I gave in to what else, a frozen Fanta treat from Burger King. I felt guilt about getting them a sugary treat after just leaving the dentist...Oh well...

Monday, November 12, 2007

More Frequent Blogging

I am determined to be a more frequent blogger. Why you say? After reading through my blog, I realize that I am documenting precious moments in the life of family. Even things I may think are not so interesting, are interesting when I go back and "remember."
Today, I am getting my kiddos pix taken at Target. I hope they both can smile!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Fun Learning Day

Our day started off with creating green slime. This was a hit with the kids. Forget the scientific whys and wherefors of it all, mixing glue, water, Borax and food coloring equals hours of fun for my two. After they played for an hour, I made them stop to play a fun math game with giant dice. You roll the giant dice, answer, and then do a funny thing, like "hop like a bunny" or "say 3 foods that start with P while you dance". It was hilarious and educational. My sweetie husband bought me a PC Scrabble game yesterday. So, our language arts was done on the computer playing Scrabble against each other. Later, we took a walk through the acres of woods behind our house. (Not our land, our neighbors) We collected leaves to identify, "discovered" an old tree house, and found an old abandoned soccer ball. We made our way home and played around with the soccer ball for a while. Then we enjoyed the crisp fall day, just basking in the windy, but sunny day. Such a delicious day!