Monday, November 26, 2007


Today we began a study of ancient Egypt. Here is Bethany with her pyramid. Caleb with his.
Yes, we often school in our pj's, especially in the winter!
More gifts:
19. Heat!
20. Christmas shopping with my kids.
21. Seeing the world through my children's eyes.
22. Forgiveness- Given and especially received!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

A Day to Give Thanks

Before I add to my list of a thousand thanks, let me write about the last few days. In my earlier post, I told my carpet cleaning story. Well, the carpet did not dry in 2 hours as promised. Wednesday morning, most of it was still soaking wet. So, instead of being stuck in 2 rooms all day, we spent the day out yesterday, as a family, eating lunch out, browsing the stores. We got home around 5 pm from all of our fun. The carpet still wasn't completely dry, but we made it work!
All of my pre-Thanksgiving cleaning I had planned to do all day Wednesday had to begin around 6 pm. This was in the middle of me making a dessert and trying to prepare others foods for today. I went to bed pretty tired aroung 11 pm.
In spite of what little I was able to accomplish yesterday, preparing the turkey day meal went very smoothly. Well, that was only because I made an hour by hour to do list. I checked off everything accordingly as we list makers do. Oh the joy of list making!
13. A husband who is passsionate about seeing the real God
14. Godly family that encourage me in God
15. Having more than enough
16. Life, being able to breathe this breath
17. Good turkey, macaroni and cheese, green bean casserole, rolls, cranberry sauce, and mashed potatoes and gravy
18. DESSERT!!!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

I Did It

We had our carpet cleaned this afternoon. After the cleaning crew left, I notice they had pulled about 3 sections of our Berber carpet up. I immediately called them to complain. This might not seem hard to some of you, but I really don't like confrontation. I CAN confront when it comes to my kids or something I am passionate about.
Confronting because of bad service is sometimes hard for me. I am a very compassionate person. I always try to see where people are coming from, even if they are in the wrong.
One example- I got my hair cut a couple of years ago and the lady butchered it. I began to cry while I was still in the chair. I told her it was not at all what I wanted. Then she began to cry too! Instead of pushing to get my money back or complaining further, I tried to comfort her!
Back to the carpet story.....The crew came back and I showed them the spots. One was a foot long and about an inch wide with strings of carpet coming from it. What really bothered my about the whole situation was that they did not point it out to me before they left. So, I proceeded to tell them that I am person of integrity and expect people (especially in business) to show integrity in their dealings with me. I was nice and calm as I talked. The guy said he would give me 23 dollars off. So, I called my husband and asked if that worked for him. He said yes.
Still not a biggy? Well, everything down inside of me wanted to wait and let my husband take care of it. But, instead I saved him some valuable time and energy by biting the bullet and confronting them myself. I am proud!

More gifts:
9. Dinner out with the fam, while waiting for our carpet to dry.
10. Expectations of things to come
11. A desire to pray.
12. Cool mornings where I can snuggle in bed with my kiddies after they wake up!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Dentist Day

Today was my kiddos 6 month check-up at the dentist. No cavities! Whooee!!! Last time, they both had a cavity and of course this led to Mommyguilt. I stayed on them daily this 6 month period and it looks like it worked. After we left the dentist, the kids ask if they could have a treat for the good report at the dentist. I gave in to what else, a frozen Fanta treat from Burger King. I felt guilt about getting them a sugary treat after just leaving the dentist...Oh well...

Monday, November 12, 2007

More Frequent Blogging

I am determined to be a more frequent blogger. Why you say? After reading through my blog, I realize that I am documenting precious moments in the life of family. Even things I may think are not so interesting, are interesting when I go back and "remember."
Today, I am getting my kiddos pix taken at Target. I hope they both can smile!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Fun Learning Day

Our day started off with creating green slime. This was a hit with the kids. Forget the scientific whys and wherefors of it all, mixing glue, water, Borax and food coloring equals hours of fun for my two. After they played for an hour, I made them stop to play a fun math game with giant dice. You roll the giant dice, answer, and then do a funny thing, like "hop like a bunny" or "say 3 foods that start with P while you dance". It was hilarious and educational. My sweetie husband bought me a PC Scrabble game yesterday. So, our language arts was done on the computer playing Scrabble against each other. Later, we took a walk through the acres of woods behind our house. (Not our land, our neighbors) We collected leaves to identify, "discovered" an old tree house, and found an old abandoned soccer ball. We made our way home and played around with the soccer ball for a while. Then we enjoyed the crisp fall day, just basking in the windy, but sunny day. Such a delicious day!

Monday, October 15, 2007


Life continues to be busy. Homeschooling is truly a full time job.
Transition time is ahead for me and my family. God is moving me out of a ministry I have been a part of for 9 years in our church. I have been a part of our worship team/choir for these 9 years and have thouroughly enjoyed seeing what God had done in the lives of myself and others.
There is an excitement in my spirit, as I know this act of obedience will be a catalyst to propel us into God's next stage of glory. It is truly bittersweet! I love to worship Him with all the saints! The people in our music ministry are like family to me. Thank you God for being an all-knowing God, who orders my steps. Even though I can't see, I trust wholly in you Lord.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

My Way or Your Way

Last night, right before supper time, my son asked, "What are we having for dinner?" I replied lasagna. He replied, "I hate lasagna!" (He doesn't, but I don't what kind of mood he was in to say that) We started talking back and forth, me with my normal, "Well, if I cook it, you're going to eat it." Then I had an idea....If my son didn't like what I had planned, let him make it! I then proposed to him that he make dinner, if he wanted something different. My only criteria was it had to include a meat, veggie and carb. He got excited! He ran and pulled out my cookbooks and started looking for something to cook. I already had ground turkey meat thawed out, so he decided to make mac and cheese with ground hamburger mixed in with our side being canned green beans. With very minimal advice from me, my son made dinner! And it was good!
My point of telling this story is that I could have done what I always do, and had my way. Instead, I gave my son the opportunity to have it his way. In turn, he gained the experience of cooking an entire meal, almost completely by himself. I also showed him that his opinion is important. Now, I won't always be able to accomodate his desires, but last night it worked!

Monday, July 30, 2007

Can't Sleep, Might as Well Post

Just returned Saturday from a very last minute camping trip. This makes trip #4 in our popup since May, when we bought it. Lots of fun...Camped in Hiawasee, GA. The weather was great, low 80's during the day, mid 60's at night. That's what I'm talking about!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Happy Birthday to My Baby Girl

Today my daughter turns 6 years old....Happy Birthday to her! She is a vibrant, artistic, funny little girl. I am blessed to have a daughter!
This morning (at 7am!), my son tumbled into bed, followed shortly by my daughter. They were ready to go out for breakfast. I don't remember when we started this, but it is now a tradition to take the bday child out for bfast on their bday. After many rounds of "Happy Birthday" to my daughter, my kids jumped back out of bed, informing me that they were getting dressed. (Only about 7:15 am now) I begged for 5 more minutes in bed , and then got up, dressed and we headed out the door. (About 7:35 am now) McDonald's here we come!
Anyway, I am sure this will always be a tradition with us....
Again, Happy Bday to my girl!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

The Goodness of God

I don't know about you, but sometimes I get discouraged. Being a SAHM and Homeschooling mom takes a lot of giving without neccessarily getting anything in return.
This week has been hard for me. My kids argue, as all kids do, but it seems to have escalated this week. I feel like the fights are almost constant.
Tuesday, my husband left a really encouraging card for me in our bathroom, telling me how great I am and how he knows God has called me to be a SAHM and how much he appreciates me. This lifted my spirits considerably.
Then, today rolls around, Thursday. From the get go, my kids were whining and arguing with each other. You may say, "Well do something about it!" Well, I just didn't have the want to. I felt despair and discouragement weighing me down.
Then we went to Wal-mart. As we were checking out, the cashier was really in a talkative mood. She actually talked to me and the kids. (People usually ignore them) She was saying to them, "Wow, you must have a great mom." and "I bet you really love your mom." I would like to say that my kids broke into a long soliliquy about all I do for them. But they just smiled at her. Then she said,"You guys are blessed to have a mom. You need to tell her everyday how much you love and appreciate her." I knew this was a God moment. God speaking His words through this beautiful lady. I thanked her for all she said. But that wasn't the end.... She said directly to me,"Mom's do so much. They wear so many hats. They just need some mom time. They also need to know that what they do is really appreciated." Then she spoke to my kids again,"You guys are blessed to have a mom. Some people don't know what that is like." Then we left.
I could/will guess that maybe this young lady didn't have her mom around growing up or has lost her mom at some point in her life. (She looked to be in her early twenties.)
Whatever her story is, God used her to lift me up and set my eyes back on the high calling. Through Him, I can do everything. But I can't do anything without Him, because it will be a miserable failure.
"And those he predestined, he also called, those he called, he also justified, those he justified, he also glorified." Romans 8:30

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Is it Summer Yet?

I asked that question, because my children finished school 2 weeks ago and it seems as if we have been busy ever since.
We went away to South Carolina for a RC flight festival. (My husband's hobby) We camped one night in our popup camper and stayed in hotel the other 2. Our night in the popup was a lot of fun! I am ready to pack it up and head off again.
On night #3 of our mini-vaca, none of us (my husband's family) could decide where to eat. With 14 of us, (adults and children) it is hard to get in any resturant. So, we chose Ryan's....By the time we got there, I was starving! So, I quickly got my food and started to devour it. Well, in my haste to get eatin', I choked. Not just the cough and it goes on down choke, but the "my face is turning red and blue and I can't breathe" choke. My sister-in-law leapt into action and started the hiemlich. When nothing happened, she started yelling for someone to help. A Ryan's waitress came and started the hiemlich again...the rest was a blur.....I was whisked away to the bathroom and the staff called 911....After I vomitted a lot, the paramedics determined it was stuck in my esophagus....I was in extreme pain but not in any life threatening danger. I expelled the huge piece of steak later...(Yes, cheap steak was the culprit) Very scary for me and everyone involved.
After arriving home from that relaxing (not really) vacation, we came back to rush straight into our coop's end of the year picnic, our coop's book sale, taking the car for repairs, choir practice, small group, singing on the praise team Sat. and Sunday at church, Mem. picnic with in-laws, keeping a friend's kids for 5 hours, and then here we are at today...Yes, an activity for everyday since May 21st...So that's why I ask, is it summer yet? You know, the relaxing lazy days of summer?

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Popup Camper

For over a year, my husband and I have been wanting to buy a popup camper. We thought, "What a great way to create memories with the kids!" So last May, we put our boat (A 1973 Starcraft) up for sale. We were going to take the money and buy a popup. Well, we had many lookers, but no takers. I was relieved, because I didn't want to get rid of the boat. We had already made tons of memories in that and wasn't ready to let it go!
Fast forward a year...We still are talking popup, but financially we are in a different place. You see last year, we had to sell the boat in order to even think of buying something else. But, during the last year, we have seen God bless my husband's business way above what we could think. So, we started looking again, thinking to purchase one for about $1200-$1500.
Last week, we hit the jackpot. (Or the jackpot to us anyway!) My husband found a 70 something man who was selling his 1973 Starcraft popup for $950! My husband being the wheeler dealer he is tried to get it for less...He got it for $900. A 1973 popup may not sound great to some, but this man cared for this thing. I mean, he kept it pristine, mechanically and asthetically. He was a great steward of his things, and our family gets the benefit.
We are camping tomorrow night...We are all really excited. This thing has 2 double beds, a table, a sink and a propane gas stove. I will try to post pix later....

Monday, May 7, 2007


Just documenting the sweet spirit of my son...This morning my son climbed in bed with me and after awhile, said, "Mommy, Can you fix breakfast?" Well, my son is fully capable of fixing his own breakfast. (Ie. bagels, waffles, fruit, even scrambled eggs, My ds is 7 1/2) I said, "Hon, why don't you fix your breakfast?" He hopped out of bed with the reply of, "OK!" Then he called back down the hall that I could stay in bed till he was done. Well, I drug myself out of bed, got dressed, made up my bed, and was starting to unpack from our trip last week, and my son comes back in my room. He wanted to know what I was doing out of bed, because he wanted to serve me breakfast in bed! I hopped onto the bed and told him that I still could have breakfast in bed, even though technically I was up. So, he brought me scrambled eggs with a glass of water on a tray. Then he brought his eggs and bagel to my room and we both had "breakfast in bed." I had tears in my eyes as I thanked him for this selfless act. My son has a heart to serve, a very compassionate boy. Thank you God for my blessings!

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Butterflies Have Emerged

Well, today our butterflies have finally emerged. What a miracle of nature to behold! We didn't actually see them emerge, but there is still one to go. Maybe we will catch it in the action!
Were you someone who broke out of a cocoon to become something completely new and beautiful? I was before Christ found me. I was bound by fear, loneliness, hopelessness, and helplessness. But Christ spoke, and in a moment, in a millisecond of time, I was transformed into a new creature. My colors changed, my behaviors changed, my friends changed. Just like the butterfly...When it becomes a butterfly, it no longer looks caterpillar. It is metamorphisized. It doesn't crawl to get around anymore, but soars from flower to flower being exactly what God made it. It doesn't hang around caterpillars anymore, but it hangs with other butterflies.
Even nature cries out and testifies of His greatness and goodness!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Too much

Is it just me, or do we seem to always have too much stuff? My children and I purged their rooms this morning. Two bags of trash are what came out, along with a bag to give away. Ughhh! I feel like we are constantly fighting against the clutter monster. And I feel (and know) that we constantly give away unused things, like books, clothes, toys, etc. But the monster always seems to grow!!!!!
Spring cleaning is on our agenda...We have cleaned out our storage area under the house, resulting in another pile of unused items for give away. We put them by the road and luckily almost 100% of the usuable items have been scavenged by some lucky person who will use them. The rest (mostly broken things, construction trash) will be carted off today by our friendly trash men.
100 years ago did trash men exist? I don't know for sure, but I surely don't think so. That's because the average Joe had less than a handful of outfits of clothing, minimal furniture, books, toys, etc. And they recycled everything! They always found a way to reuse items...I try to get back there and never seem to find the way. Have you?

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Caterpillar Update

Our caterpillars have started hanging from the top of the jar they came in. One has developed its chrystallis. It is really cool to watch their transformation.
My son and I went biking about a week and half ago and came upon some puddles filled with tadpoles. We scooped them up into our empty water bottle and brought them home. I think there are about 3 left, but we are watching them grow and change also. I guess our science theme for the spring is metamorphasis. Picked and chosen by Him!
As for life, I am just living it in His grace. Doing life with my family, to become what He wants us to be. And, yes, we have our "days" where we struggle and fall, but we press on. His amazing love is THE thing that causes me to want to go on. Even when I fall, sometimes into what feels like to be the deepest of pits, His love reaches in and is even deeper still. He is my night in shining armor, my rescuer, my deliverer, protector and lifter of my head. He is the only reason I have to live and breathe. He is mine and I am His!

Thursday, April 12, 2007


Our caterpillars are here!! I was actually getting a little worried that they would never arrive. But today, our friendly mail carrier delivered a small box, cotaining a jar with our caterpillars. The bottom of the jar contains about three inches of a brownish substance that is their food. You don't do anything with them, just watch until they have attatched themselves to the top of the jar and when they have all hardened into their next state, you transfer them into their butterfly habitat and wait for the "big change"! How exciting to me!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Update on Life

Well, we are winding down on this school year...only 28 more days to go...GA requires 180 days documented attendence.

Last week, we had a field trip on Friday to a place near us called Sawnee Mt. It was a 1.6 mile hike to the top of this "mountain." It was worth every step, with a spectacular view of the countryside for a reward at the top.

Monday, we had a mini field trip, letterboxing. We went to a place with hiking trails that had 5 letterboxes on the property. After 2 hrs, we had only found 1! Kinda disheartening for me and the kids....

We have been doing our first "official" unit study the last two weeks. The subject- owls. I felt like our science work for the rest of the year should be from animals found in the Bible. I let my ds pick 2 animals. He picked owls and bears. We should be completely done with the owl in another week. We are still waiting on our owl pellets to arrive in the mail. We are also going to make an attempt at lapbooking with the owls.....Do I have the patience?

In April, we should be receiving our caterpillars in the mail also. This gives me a chance to segway into my next subject- thrift stores. A couple of weeks ago, I went into a local Goodwill and saw one of those
caterpillar kits- the ones that are supposed to come with a coupon to mail so you can get them in the mail-----Well, I spotted one, it was $2.32, and it contained everything it was supposed to, even the coupon! I was so excited!

Today, I went to another local church thrift store today, to just browse. I found an old "Hangman" game (1988 Milton Bradley). I have found many old games that are quite educational there. My son and I played and he amazed me at the words that he came up with....7 and 8 letter words. And I was worried about his spelling.... The game was $1... I found another logic game called "Rush Hour". It was $2, brand new in the box. I had wanted to buy one of these games, but didn't want to pay...There are so many other things I can do with $10-12. Like go to thrift stores and buy 6 or 7 games for the price of one!!!!

I'll close with this...I believe God led me to those games today...The bible says that , "He supplies all our needs according to His riches..." He love me and my kiddies and knows things that can help them learn and have fun. And....because He is God, He knows where to find them (Hee! Hee!) ....I started out today to run errands and had talked myself out of going to the thrift store...But as we got nearer to it, I felt God say, "Just go, even just to browse." He is my sweet Abba Father.....

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Nurse Mommy

Yes, I am playing "Nurse Mommy" today. My dks had a dentist appointment this morning, but woke up with 100+ degree temps. They weren't feeling up to par yesterday either, so come sick days in our home. I don't enjoy my children being sick, but today I don't have to have my teacher hat on.
How many hats do you have? I feel sometimes that I have way too many! Mom, wife, daughter, sister, sister-in-law, aunt, chef, teacher, maid, singer, small group member,
church member, spiritual leader, spiritual mentor, coop assistant, choir "secretary", my husband's secretary, childcare worker, etc.
Whew! I get tired thinking about all those things. I have been praying lately that God show me the things to keep and the things to let go. Somehow, my plate is completely full, or actually running over. I know His burden is easy and light, but I know some of my "burdens" I took on without getting His opinion! I march on, knowing that keeping my word is what I have to do in some situations. Others, I have the ability to either drop completely or cut back on my commitment to them.
Anyway, Life is life, but is so much better when we let God order our steps. When we order them, we can become weighted down. When He orders them, we can walk in freedom, run in freedom, dance in freedom. Lord, I long to walk in only the steps you have ordered!

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Can you put a cost on this?

My dh and ds had a guys day out today. So, my dd and I took the same opportunity. She had already planned last night to wear a pink shirt, brown skirt with her pink cowboy boots. This morning she asked me if I could match her. I had the pink shirt, but only a brown pair of dress pants. So, joining in with my daughter in her excitement, we went out as twins. At her request, we went to a pet store and to the mall food court to eat. She asked if she could ride the carrousel. I said, "Yes!" Then she asked if we could buy a treat. We bought a cookie sandwich (filled with frosting, Yum...) Then we went in Old Navy and I found a cute, modest black skirt on clearance. I got so much pleasure blessing my daughter with all these things. Is this how my Father sees me? Does He long to bless me?
Matthew 7:9-11 says, "Which of you, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish will give him a snake? If you then though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask Him!"
Thanks you Lord, for how much you love me and want to be with me and bless me, like I love my children and want to bless them.
Cost of meal at the mall: $10
Cost of ride: $1.50
Cost of 2 cookies: $4
Cost of skirt:$4
Cost of time spent alone with my daughter: PRICELESS

Friday, March 2, 2007

Rediscovering Legos

My kids have "rediscovered" Legos this week. They have been spending most of their free time building and creating. This morning for instance, we haven't gotten to "school". Isn't that why my kids are at home, so they can spend hours experimenting and creating? Yet, I keep thinking, "They are going to get bored, and then we will get to our workbooks..." Oh the tug of homeschool mom's heart....

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Blah, blah, blah

The title says it all...Yes it's a rainy day in Georgia and I had to actually go out in it today. What's so bad about that you say? Well, in order to have more room in our house, we closed in our garage. Not bad on a daily basis, not having a garage, but on days when it's pouring down rain, yikes! The reason for going out today, our van needed a new battery. My dh said if I wanted to do anything this weekend without getting stranded somewhere, I needed to get it done today! OK. So, I submitted. We got the van's new battery at, I was able to grocery shop at the same time. (Oh the beauty!!!) Upon arriving home, it was pouring! I told the kids run on in. I on the other hand had to lug in the groceries and by the end, my jacket, jeans and shirt were drenched. Oh the joys of living without a garage!
Today is our coop day and man I would love to just stay at home! I am in my PJ's again because of getting drenched. It would be way to easy to just skip it! But, I will go, because of the kids. I'm a nice mom, right?Leave a Comment

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

New Realization

I've come to the realization over the last month that I am not an unschooler, but I am a extremely relaxed homelearner. What made me think that I was an unschooler was the fact that my kids needed that the first half of the year. This half, they need more workbook time. There is still time in our day to explore other interests, play, and just be. But, as I begin to look ahead, I see the need for some more workbook time. I still will be the mom who believes learning can be fun...therefore, I will make room in the budget for as many fun things as I can find. But their must be balance. I give the credit to God for leading me to this place where I have peace about the direction of my kids education.

Saturday, January 27, 2007


After not writing for a while, I am back. Back with expectations for the rest of the year. I am expecting God to do above and beyond what I and my family can think or ask. I am believing to be an Acts Christian this year, moving in His power, so that the world may know Him!

Friday, January 5, 2007

The Voice of the Spirit

It is the time for me to put pleasures aside (computer, tv, food, entertainment...) for a few weeks. Every year our church does a fast for 3 weeks...During this time, I am hoping to hear the voice of God more! I look forward into this new year with anticipation to what God is going to do in my life, my family's life, my church's life, and the lives of all Christians in the world. The world is groaning for a Savior, a Redeemer. They want to be loved! It is my prayer that I hear the voice of the Lover of my soul and run with Him. I expect things to be running in a different fashion in my life! Move Lord Jesus!