Monday, October 30, 2006

Monday, Monday

Today has been a great hsing day! Woke up and played 2 phonics games with my son. Then, my son started reading the book "There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly". After he finished, he was showing me the pictures. On the back of the book, the illustrator had drawn about 18 different kinds of flies. (I never thought about there being that many!) So, we google the word "fly" and got to this cool site about bugs, It's a great site bug site! Anyway, we got to see real pictures of almost all the different flies and learn something about each one. Then we went to to see if they had anything on flies. While there, my son saw spiders. So, we printed off a diagram of a couple of spiders and talked about them. My son asked, "Mommy, how do spiders keep from sticking to their own webs?" Well, I didn't know, but the site had a page about spiders, and it said that spiders produce an oil on their legs that keeps them from sticking. Again, I learned something new too! Then my dd woke up, and we played 2 phonics games. She worked on and worked on more phonics work. Then we I showed them the Samaritans Purse website and talked to them about putting together boxes. They got really excited and started planning what we will put in the boxes. A great home learning day.

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