Saturday, September 16, 2006


In our family, Saturday is known as a non-school day, as well as, Sunday. But today proved me wrong. My son and I awoke at the around the same time with him wanting to watch TV. We found an educational program about the life of cats. (science) Then my son picked up a book and did some independent reading (reading practice). He then wrote his name inside and the date he completed it. (writing practice) Then he asked me if he could "do piano". So, we reviewed note values and he began working on a new song introducing the note "D" on the piano. (music theory) He then got on his favorite Star Wars sight and played a game where you match music scores with the correct scene pictures. (more music and logic) Later, he picked up a storytime kit that he checked out from the library. It came with little cloth figures and a felt belt. (A story telling kit) He began to use the cloth figures to make his own cute story to tell me. (Langauge arts) This all happened before 12 noon.

My whole point to this is that I started out the day thinking, "No school today." But my son proved me wrong. He wasn't doing "school", but he was learning (gasp!) and learning what he wanted to learn (big gasp) , when he wanted to learn it. (even bigger gasp!) That makes me smile!

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